We are a Spottune partner

Store Media brings excellent
Danish sound to you.
It’s available in over 2,900 locations worldwide.
Are you ready to be next?

Award winning design,

What does 360-degree sound mean?

OmniExperience™ Technology

The speaker’s distinctive acoustic design produces omnidirectional sound, meaning it distributes sound evenly over 360° around the speaker. It has been engineered to deliver impressive, room-filling sound with fewer speakers. This patented technology is introduced by Spottune under the name OmniExperience™.

360° Sound

Spottune’s omnidirectional speaker technology, developed by Danish pioneers, represents a new generation of intelligent audio systems. It is the ideal solution for your In-Store radio.
Thanks to the constant circulation of sound waves, the speaker guarantees seamless coverage of the entire room, rather than focusing on just one zone. With all frequencies transmitted throughout the room, Spottune provides superior sound even at low volumes, resulting in greater comfort for both visitors and staff. This unique technology creates a completely new and enhanced experience, complete with music or advertising content tailored to your needs.

Even sound coverage across the entire space

Fewer speakers

Quality sound even at low volumes

Greater comfort for everyone and better audibility of the content

Enhanced music experience for all visitors

Increased credibility of the space/business

Unique Acoustic Design

The speaker’s exterior design is carefully rounded and smoothed to disperse sound evenly, offering a crystal-clear experience. This means that no matter where you are in the room, the sound quality remains consistent. It is designed to balance the proportions between the size of the speaker and the space it occupies as much as possible. As a result, when the volume is increased, the speaker can deliver deep bass tones without any distracting or annoying noise.

Stable sound quality and volume throughout the space

A whole new in-store radio experience

Optimized speaker dimensions for perfect sound

A design element in the space

Deep bass tones without distracting noise at higher volumes

An enhanced sound experience

Better Sound with Fewer Speakers

With omnidirectional audio coverage, one Spottune speaker can cover up to 75 square meters of space, which exceeds the coverage of conventional loudspeakers. This also means that up to 50% fewer speakers are needed compared to alternative options on the market. Combined with its design and sound range, this results in a more soothing audio experience for customers.

Up to 75 m2 coverage with one speaker

Fewer speakers needed

Greater coverage than conventional speakers

Energy savings

Up to 50% fewer speakers required

Lower installation costs

Soothing sound experience for customers

Satisfied customers


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